
AFT Professional Staff and Classified Employees may apply for a reclassification of their position when the scope of their job duties change. The opportunity to submit a reclassification request is a contractual right for AFT Professional Staff under the AFT collective bargaining agreement and granted to classified staff by the New Jersey Civil Service Commission.

Evaluation of the merits of a reclassification request for a higher classification by Human Resources focuses on the nature, scope and complexity of the additional job duties identified by the employee as constituting the reclassification request. Performing additional job duties that are within the scope of an employee’s current job classification, and/or performing a higher volume of job duties will not merit a reclassification.

Reclassification Process

To apply for reclassification of a position to a higher title, please submit the following items:

  1. Reclassification Request Form and Budget Request Form (See Reclassification Forms)
  2. Organizational chart for your department
  3. Original job description for current title
  4. Description of work currently performing, clearly indicating the new responsibilities
    different from original job description (This is very important to include)
  5. Justification statement: Why the reclassification is warranted (Base this on the increased duties
    and the scope of responsibilities)

Please note that the reclassification request can be submitted with or without the supervisor’s approval initially. At the appropriate time, the Division of Human Resources will contact the employee’s supervisor or manager for more information.

Reclassification Forms


Form Name Form Purpose
Position Reclassification Budget Form To provide fiscal review by Budget Office for position reclassification request (Required by Budget & Planning Office for all Reclassification Requests)
Application for Reclassification for Professional Staff To request an upgrade of a current Professional Staff position
Position Reclassification Request for Career Service Employees (Form 1 of 2)


Position Classification Questionnaire DPF-44S for Career Service Employees (Form 2 of 2)

To request an upgrade of a current career service positions.


This form is used to obtain information about a position for career service employees.

State Job Vacancies for Current Civil Service Employees To review and apply for Civil Service open competitive and promotional job opportunities
Tips for Applying for a Civil Service Position The user guide to applying online for a civil service position


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